Weather Forecast – sunny?

Going to South America still seems for many people to equal sun, fun and nothing to do! But is it really sunny, warm and relaxing in Bogota? No! The relaxing part will be minimized to the weekends, as usual when working. And the weather? Really better than in Switzerland?

On WeatherSpark I found a good overview of historical weather data split into history, short-term forecast and longterm forecast based on averages. Following are the two weather charts for Zurich and Bogota.

Weather forecast Zurich (click on chart to enlarge)

Forecast Zurich

Weather forecast Bogota (click on chart to enlarge)

Forecast Bogota

The comparison shows for the months of September and October, that the weather in Bogota is stable with average temperatures of around 8 at the low-end and 19 at the high-end. In Zürich temperatures from beginning of September to the end of October constantly decrease from 24 to 12 (high) and from 14 to 4 (low).

So temperature wise Bogota and Zürich are more or less the same on avarage, but while Bogota is constantly nice and fresh, in Zurich the tempratures fall from nice and warm to not so nice and cool. With regard to rain the averages show a higher amount of precipitation in Zurich than for Bogota, which is rather surprising as the last some autumns were very nice and dry in Switzerland. And the change to have a cloudy sky abouve Bogota is up to 90%.

So – not too much sunny and warm weather is to be expected in Bogota. But it might be possible to travel for a weekend to the Caribbean coast were it might be indeed sun, fun and nothing to do!

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